Car Garbages



I don’t know about you, but every time I clean out the car, I am collecting Apple cores, granola bar wrappers, candy wrappers, dirty tissues and other small things. Things that are just too small to need a plastic shopping bag for (and who wants to use those anyway?) But too easy to forget in a door pocket or cup holder. So I wanted something smaller and convenient that wouldn’t get lost and would easily hold the daily garbage we gathered, not a whole road trip worth. Something we always have a plethora of in our house is old ripped jeans.

You know what works? A pant leg with the cuff as the top, with a circle stitched to the open end, and a button and loop to close it over the headrest, and there we go. Simple. Now I have to make another for his car, so here are pictures and directions in progress.

Jeans our son grew out of. Too holey to give away. Green thing on the right is a latch hook kit started in 86 and finished last year. Will become a pillow for the bus. That is a forthcoming project. πŸ™‚

Anyway, to the bag making!

These are longer than the pair I used for the first one, so I am cutting below the knee. I am cutting the bottom out of the space below the knee. I am not cutting a circle, I will just trim it down after it is sewn.



(My go to pins are simple Dritz quilting pins. I use them for everything except fine fabrics. They work really well for all my sewing.)
[amazon_link asins=”B001UAM3UY” template=”” marketplace=”amazon&region” link_id=”07d8f8b45505b42493e6af5d68025b15″]


Cutting the strap. About 8 1/2 by 1 1/2 inches.

Best tool ever for turning strips right side out.

[amazon_link asins=’B00W6V4WUK’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’002′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’4c8a77f2-a7a7-11e8-b67d-e9138496e8c3′]


Ends are turned in and sewn. Now to pick out a button. I can’t find mine, so I am using my mom’s collection.

And a test buttonhole. Because if I don’t, I will mess up. πŸ™‚

And, attaching the strap, the bobbin thread runs out. As always.

I love how any machine with a big zag will see on a button. Saves time!

And it’s ready to go in the car!

At another point, I may wax them to make them water resistant. You’ll never be able to dump a coffee in it, but something damp won’t damage it when waxed. Right now they aren’t, but they can be thrown in the washer when the get dirty.

What do you think? I love it.