The Ninth Day of Christmas: Nine Ladies Dancing


When I was little, my mind always pictured the last four gifts being more of a party than individual gifts. The maids-a-milking were the only humans who weren’t acceptable at a ball. I did, however, always wonder why there were more musicians than there were dancers.

Anyway, it’s not much of a stretch to think that the nine ladies dancing is a reminder to have healthy movement. And it’s not to hard to realize that we pretty much all need more healthy movement in our lives. It’s one thing to know that, and another to actually do it. Personally, I can find 15 minutes to check facebook or play a game on a device, but 15 minutes to stretch or exercise? That’s so much hard to do.

But one thing I do find easy to do is to move to music. Possibly not ‘dancing’, but when a good song with a good beat comes on I find it hard to keep still.
And that is healthy movement. Even for 3 minutes. Even if it’s just moving to a song while doing dishes. Exercise doesn’t have to be something to prepare for or something to plan. It can be as simple as a polka in the kitchen.

With bonus points if there is someone or something else to polka with.

So, when I hear about the nine ladies dancing, I will try not to think of the odd numbers or the formal dance, and instead be reminded that any little bit of movement is an improvement.

Back to introduction.
Forward to Ten.


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