The Eleventh Day of Christmas: Eleven Pipers Piping


Finally the musicians have arrived at the party! And it ought to be a great party, with twice as many musicians as dancers.

While thinking about writing these meditations, I found this article and video about seals in a hospital in Cornwall being ‘treated’ with music to calm them. By a ‘piper’, no less.

The idea is that by listening to the music, the seals would relax and heal faster, without the stress of being confined in a strange area and not feeling well adding to their damage. The experiment worked, and the seals were much happier. I can’t tell, myself, and am trusting their staff when they say that. I do know that as humans, we feel better and energized and more relaxed when listening to music we enjoy as well.

So for this day, I will remember the healing power of music, and to try to include it on my daily life. There are so many times we opt not to listen to music or to merely listen to ‘whatever is on’ without carefully curating it to help us into a better place. We live in an age with so many tools to allow us to find appropriate music to help us, that there is really no excuse not to have a few songs or styles set up for us to turn to when stressed or sick or nostalgic or in need of a lift. Right now for me that’s holiday music we’ve been collecting over the years, and that I will be saying goodbye to very soon.

As much as I love audiobooks and Netflix, I will try to remember that sometimes, old reliable music can be the best to soothe a heart.


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