Tag Archives: black basket

The Black Basket

Black Basket of Stuff

I am a belt and suspenders type person. I don’t like being caught out without something we vitally need that makes life so much less comfortable for missing it. I only hope that this isn’t as outdated as the Office in a Bag.

So we’ve created a basket of things we leave where guests can see it in the bathroom, and take with us nearly everywhere it could be used. So, working the election, camping, the Fair, art festivals that aren’t 100% walking around with no car, etc.

It’s really handy and worth taking. So here it is.

The basket itself is a black basket because it was the beginning of November and it was on sale for 50¢. It’s not Halloweeny except for being black, and that’s fine with us. Any easily portable container would work.

Inside is a smaller container that’s a plastic ware that is missing its top. In that smaller container are bandages, a lens cleaner pad from the eye doctor, a small tube of cortisone (great for allergic reactions) a small tube of anti bacterial cream, for cuts, a tube of Benadryl (can you tell we have allergies?), and a mini eyeglass repair kit.

Larger things are a lint brush (I said this is left out for guests!  ), sun block, a reseal able back of wet naps (they kinds you get when you order ribs at a restaurant), Cutter Deet Free insect repellant, nail file and buffer, hand sanitizer (yes, this predates 2020- porto potties can be ick), Tylenol, Ammens Powder in a reused spice jar, tissues, dental floss, Nail polish remover wipes, a small bag with tampons and pads in it, and a small portable tube of bubbles.

Depending on where we are going, a deck of cards and/or a roll of toilet paper can get thrown in there.

My purse normally has a multitool, lifesavers, gum, a handkerchief, and a dice game called Cosmic Wimpout. If those weren’t carried separately, I may throw them in the basket.

Do we take this everywhere? No. Do we always bring it all? No. The lint brush is often left on the floor by the door when we leave. Do we carry this around all day? No. This is mainly for leaving in the car or at our site. And we don’t take it to the Beach because we have a separate bag for items that go there attached to our mini cooler.

But it’s a useful thing to have, in the bathroom for guests for find themselves in need, or watching Shakespeare in the Park and offering bug spray to the people next to us…