Tag Archives: Twelve Days

Meditations on the 12 days of Christmas

For most people who celebrate any part of the Christmas season, it’s a mad rush of house cleaning, cookie baking, present purchasing and wrapping, decorating and being around family. By the end of the day on the 25th, people are worn out, tired and ready to forget the holidays.

And most people do. The wrapping gets thrown away, the tree comes down, and there is no more celebration or contemplation until we are reminded again of the holidays for a few hours on New Year’s Eve.

For many people, the Twelve Days of Christmas in the song have ended on the 25th, and there is now a depression and a darkness that hits.

But Christmas Day is the first day of Christmas, and the 12 days follow it.  I wanted to spend some time during this time of quiet after the rush of the holidays just meditating on aspects of life that the holidays brought up, one for each day of celebration. And I finally decided to just write meditations on the Song— it was already set up for the 12 days, and each part of the memory game could mean something particular.

So this year, I am sharing my Meditations on the 12 days of Christmas, so you can join me if you also need a chance to breathe and think over this holiday.

Starting with the First Day of Christmas: A Partridge in a Pear Tree.
The Second Day: Two Turtle Doves. 
The Third Day: Three French Hens.
The Fourth Day: Four Calling Birds
The Fifth Day: Five Golden Rings
The Sixth Day: Six Geese a-Laying
The Seventh Day: Seven Swans a-Swimming
The Eight Day: Eight Maids a-Milking
The Ninth Day: Nine Ladies Dancing
The Tenth Day: Ten Lords a-Leaping
The Eleventh Day: Eleven Pipers Piping
The Twelfth Day: Twelve Drummers Drumming